News, 2023 - 2024
May 18, 2024
Under blue skies and a blazing sun, the school boys played softball against their dads, and won! The dads were up to bat first, and were scoreless. In their first at-bat, the boys scored seven runs. The dads returned with five runs in the second inning, but never caught up with their sons, and in seven innings, the dads lost the game, 25 to 14. The boys had a lot of excellent hits, including two home runs, and the dads just couldn't seem to get their hits. All in all, it was a good game, and the boys won fair and square.
As usual, the school board had the day well-organized, including a carry-in lunch with sandwiches, salads, and desserts. After lunch, a couple of pick-up games of softball were played, and a brisk breeze broke the heat of the day, as long as you were in the shade.
Thank God no one was injured today!

May 17, 2024
With angelic voices and cherubic faces, the students closed out the year, singing and reciting so beautifully that it was clear they had put a lot of hard work into the program. All the weeks of practices paid off; they did a super good job with everything!
Study time is over, the last tests have been passed, and all that remains between the students and summer vacation is the school picnic and ball game tomorrow morning. May the best team win. See you there!
Photo credits: Miss Kayla C.

April 26, 2024
Our Year-End Field Trip destination was Lion Country Safari in Loxahatchee. We gathered at the school house at 6:45 sharp, and were quickly on the way. After a pit stop around the half-way mark, we arrived, and began the tour. There were lots of amazing animals to see, as we drove very slowly through the park.
The lions were mostly relaxing in the shade, but the giraffes and the rhinoceroses were walking around and among our vehicles. It was all really cool to see; God has an amazing imagination, and a sense of humor, besides! After the driving tour, we ate packed lunches in the shade, then the students enjoyed other activities, including a couple of small rides, and testing the paddle boats on a small pond. After Dippin' Dots, they rode down an enormous slide, which was great fun!

On the way home, we detoured to stop briefly on the shore of the famous Lake Okeechobee. We also stopped for fuel (and boiled peanuts), then continued the long trek home. We arrived safely at the school shortly after 6:00.
Big thanks to the school board for their capable, thoughtful planning and directing of the day's activities, and many thanks to God for the safety over miles traveled today!
April 11, 2024
Today's Honor Roll field trip destination was SCAT Headquarters, currently being rebranded as Breeze Transit. We had forty-five minutes to spare, so we hiked through Red Bug Slough and found the World's Largest Snapping Turtle, swimming suspiciously under the dock. He had a fish-hook in his mouth. Tough old geezer, enormous: his neck was easily seven inches around.
We arrived at SCAT/Breeze Transit Headquarters on Pinkney Avenue just before ten o'clock, where the Director of Marketing and Advertising, Miranda, met us and directed us to parking. She ushered us into a slide presentation where we learned all about the history of Sarasota's public transit system. For instance, out of the $44 million budget, only 3 percent of the funding comes from passenger fares. Also, bus route #33, from Pinecraft to Siesta Key, is often standing room only during the winter tourist season. Ooof. Miranda also gave everyone a swag pack; the students had great fun with those items. We got to see the maintenance area, with buses up on lifts having mechanical work done. We also got to sit in a brand-new Breeze bus. It still had the new-car smell, and it looked very nice.

After the tour, we spent some time at Myakka State Park, where we explored the Nature Center with its recorded calls of frogs, salamanders, and various creatures besides. We also got to enjoy the full experience of the Canopy Walkway and the tower! That was really neat! Before leaving the park, we took a look at the old site of the weir. For lunch we ate at Chick-fil-A, then spent some time wandering around Target, looking at lots of cool stuff. We finished the day with Slurpees from 7-Eleven.
March 12, 2024
The Honor Roll field trip destination was the Sarasota County 9-1-1 Call Center. We started our tour around 9:00, after Michael met us on the front sidewalk and led us into the building. In the conference room, he described how the call center works, and told us what we'd be seeing on the tour. He also gave each student a goodie cup.
We got to go onto the call center floor, where agents were answering 9-1-1 calls in real time. He showed us how each station is used, complete with maps, screens, and multiple phone lines. There is a lot going on in that room!
We got to peek into the huge computer room and the cafeteria, too. We visited the trainee room, where several new hires were taking training in how to handle 9-1-1 calls.
It's pretty amazing to see all that is involved behind the scenes of the 9-1-1 Call Center enterprise!

After the tour, we spent some time at Myakka State Park, where we explored the Nature Center with its recorded calls of frogs, salamanders, and various creatures besides. We also got to enjoy the full experience of the Canopy Walkway and the tower! That was really neat! Before leaving the park, we took a look at the old site of the weir. For lunch we ate at Chick-fil-A, then spent some time wandering around Target, looking at lots of cool stuff. We finished the day with Slurpees from 7-Eleven.
December 22, 2023
The students did splendid work this evening with the Christmas program! They worked hard for this, and put lots of time into preparation, and it all came together beautifully! The poems, the Scripture recitations, the singing - all of it was well done!
Good job, students! Enjoy your Christmas break!
Special thanks to Kayla C. for the photography this evening!

December 22, 2023
Christmas Party Day! We started the day right, with Bible memory work and program practice and prayer. Next, we tackled a big stack of tests, which went fairly well, all things considered. Then it was time for food and drinks and relaxing. And sugar. Lots of sugar.
There was plenty of food to go around, and so many fun things to do, and the rest of the morning was just happy chaos. Good memories were made!
Tonight, the program. Then vacation.

November 28, 2023
The destination for our Honor Roll field trip today was Sarasota Bradenton International Airport. It was a cold and windy day, with overcast skies, and we started it at the 10th Street boat ramps. There, the students explored the rocks and found crabs and coconuts and various flotsam and jetsam. After tasting the coconut water and meat, we headed north to the airport.
At the fountain, we were met by our tour guides, Brad and Steve. They led us through baggage claim and out onto the apron directly in front of an active jet, then into a locked-down facility that housed security services. Picture-taking was severely limited for much of the tour, due to security concerns.

Brad explained that SRQ airport is undergoing a major expansion due to the massive increase in traffic. Prior to COVID-19, the airport, situated on around 600 acres, saw approximately 800,000 travelers per year. Currently, however, the airport serves around 5.6 million travelers every year. This is putting a strain on the airport's capacity, so they are building a new Terminal A, complete with five gates, all dedicated to Allegiant Airlines. A new parking garage is also in the works. They expect this expansion to be done by December 2024.
We had lunch at Chick-fil-A, then we went to Pinecraft Park, where the students played volleyball on a sand court in the biting cold wind. After a brief stop at Palm Grove school, we went to 7-Eleven for treats, and arrived back at our school shortly before three o'clock.
October 6, 2023
Science & Art was a fun evening! The students did such amazing things with their projects. They showed their creativity, and lots of hard work went into it. Check out the pictures of their projects here.
Thanks to the school board, we all enjoyed a delicious pizza supper, complete with crudités, chips, soda, and ice cream. After the prizes for the candy-guessing games were distributed to the winners, the children headed outside for more play-time. It was a busy but relaxing evening, connecting with friends and making memories.

September 12, 2023
Your Honor students were treated to a tour of the Sarasota County Traffic Operations sign-making and signal control facility. It was a fascinating process to see! Visit their Instagram @srqcountygov and Facebook (Sarasota County Government) pages to see their posts today.
We left school around 8:45, went straight to The Hill, and climbed to the top to see the sunrise. With cloudy skies, we soon left and drove by our friends at Interstate Batteries (Hi, Gary!), Plycrete Pumping (Hi, Tim and Dave!), and Albrecht Cabinets (Hi, Perry!).
Our destination was just next door, and we arrived at 9:30 sharp. Sheyla met us in Reception and took us through the huge building to the sign shop, where we met a superstar named Melvin. He makes around 3,500 signs per year for Sarasota County. Next time you are driving and see a traffic sign, road sign, speed limit sign, etc., think of Melvin.

Melvin showed us how he prints and layers the materials to create various types of signs. He even gave us a School Crossing sign that he made for practice! In the next room over, we got to see the wiring guts of the computer system that runs all the traffic signals and crosswalks in Sarasota County. They explained how it all works, and answered lots of questions. Through it all, they had their media department taking pictures and video, so watch for us on Sarasota County's social media posts, especially Instagram.
After letting the students pick out mini-sign stickers and stress-relief toys, we headed to Chick-fil-A for lunch. From there, we walked around the entire UTC Mall, upstairs and downstairs. Next, we went across the street to Dick's Sporting Goods, before hanging out at Target for a few minutes.
We finished the day with Slurpees at 7-Eleven.
August 14, 2023
Orientation night was filled with happy chatter and the sounds of students meeting old friends. Teachers were met, parents were greeted, games were played, snacks were eaten. It was a good evening, and the students are clearly ready for school to begin!

July 22, 2023
Thanks to all who showed up to help with the work (click the link for pictures) today! The school house is clean, the playground is refreshed, repairs were made and maintenance carried out - y'all are amazing! With cooperation and cheerfulness like this, it's going to be a great year!